Vacation care hours of operation 8:00am till 6:00pm
➢ Please pack morning tea, lunch and drinks and a refillable water bottle.
➢ Children will need to wear close shoes, bring a hat, a suitable raincoat and extra clothing to change in the case of any incidents.
➢ It will be mandatory for parents to sign in/out upon dropping or picking up your child. Parent must install Xplor Home app on your mobile. A fee of $10 will be charged for failed to sign out.
➢ Any late bookings for the holiday program after the closing date Monday 4th April 2025 will incur a $10 LATE FEE.
Parents wanting to enrol their child to Funtastic Gems OSHC need to simply request an enrolment form from either school office or our provider during the operation hours. Once we have all details filled and documents received your child enrolment will be confirmed with 24 business hours and a confirmation will be emailed out to you, only then that your child will be eligible to attend our service. An annual fee of $100 applies per child and sibling $50 per child if you wish to renew for the following year or enrol your child.
Bookings of additional days or sessions needs to be made within 14 days notice to Funtastic Gems, however, cancellation needs to be made within 21 days or a fee will be applied. A change to permanent bookings requires 14 days notice or permanent bookings applies regardless of your child absence. There is no additional fee to casual booking on the day only the casual rate will be applied, however places cannot be guaranteed subjected to numbers.
Session Type | Morning Session | Afternoon Session |
Permanent Care | $29 | $38 |
Casual Care | $31 | $40 |
Invoices can be viewed on Xplor ( The amount will be debited from your nominated account 7 days from the date of the invoice. If for some reasons payment cannot be made please contact Funtastic Gems team to arrange payment to be made of your child will be excluded if your fees exceeds $100 until payments is arrange or paid to Funtastic Gems. Your child fees will vary depending on fee relief entitlements and payment option. In addition to this there is a $20 surcharge fee for any failed scheduled payments
Read all about fee relief and learn how you can save on your child fees.
At Funtastic Gems we encourage the building of skilled, qualified, motivated educators who are provided with adequate resources, training and support enabling them to engage in their role effectively as the educators of children at the service. Our staffs are strongly encouraged to participate and get involved with the routine/activities in the centre as it will promote involvement of all children to participate and feel supported. You can expect to be warmly greeted by our team at Funtastic Gems when you drop off or collect your child from our service. The educators will be keen to discuss with you about your child’s day. At Funtastic Gems we have an open door policy and welcome anyone to come visit our team and service prior to commencement.
Using ‘My Time, Our Place’ Framework for School Age Care, the coordinator, in consultation and collaboration with educators, children and families plans, designs and provides programs, catering to the children’s age, developmental needs, skills, interests and abilities through a variety of challenging and recreational activities. In regards to providing opportunities for children, the centre recognizes the prominence of play, relationships, collaborative decision making and respect for diversity. Thus, children are encouraged to participate in decision making, with their ideas and opinions listened to and if possible, acted upon. By doing so, facilitates children to share ideas and questions what happens at their centre.
To carefully cater and tailored appropriate activities for their age group the children will be assigned in to junior (kindergarten to year 2) and senior (year 3 to year 6) when participating in activities.
A structure routine will be in place for a smooth and effective operation of service and hence teaching children responsibility, discipline and respect of their decision and action. Our centre recognizes that by providing access to creative and expressive arts opportunities for children it encourages them to have fun, enjoyment, mastery and success.
At Funtastic Gems, we understand the importance of every child’s learning and thus offer opportunities to do homework daily and child is able to seek help from our educator when needed. During vacation care children are given the opportunity to participate in a number or educational and fun incursions and go on excursions.
At Funtastic Gems we recognize and acknowledge the fundamental of offering food that is both nutritious and appropriate to the needs of the children attending OSHC. The service encourages and promotes the health and wellbeing of children through providing positive learning experiences during meal/snack times where good nutritional food habits are developed in a happy, and social environment. We cater for a multicultural group of children attending the service as school is a diverse background. By serving a variety of multi-cultural food we are exposing and offering the children to respect and acknowledge each culture and making the community come together as a whole. A healthy and varied food choice which combines vegetables, fruits are served that afternoon. Children are encouraged to socialize and positively interact with peers whilst enjoying afternoon tea.
Children are required to bring and wear their own hat for outdoor play. Educators will ensure that they, and the children, have applied a SPF30+ sun screen and wear a broad brimmed hat and a bottle of water prior to outdoor play.
At Funtastic Gems we understand the importance of feedback and what it can do to improve the operation of the overall service and strongly encourage ALL to leave a feedback or any suggestion so that we can better cater to your needs. All feedback survey and suggestion box will be located at the signing in table.
At Funtastic Gems we understand that there may be a one off occasion or a time that you are running a few minutes late to pick up your child due to reasons. Please contact service directly to inform the team at Funtastic Gems of your whereabouts and how soon you be arriving to the service. If you collect your child after 6:00pm, you will be charged a late fee of $10.00. If a child is not collected by 6:30pm and no contact can be made with parents or emergency contacts then the fees will increase to $50 flat rate.
How do I book my child into Funtastic Gems vacation care program?
Our vacation care bookings are released 5-7 weeks to the beginning of the program. Thus, parents will be notified by email when it will be release to do bookings. A booking form will be available to parents upon requested or just book it electronically under Vacation care tab on the front page. Parents need to understand that any casual bookings made on the day without prior bookings won’t be guaranteed a place in the centre subjected to numbers on the day or excursion day. Funtastic Gems have the right not to accept the child on the day that is full. Parents wanting to book their child in to excursion days need to request a list form from our team at Funtastic Gems. Bookings of only 20 children is allowed to attend the excursion any numbers over that needs to be on the waiting list subjected that there is a prior cancellation we will have you notified .
Yes, we are still accepting bookings after the booking closing date provided there are still vacancies on the day. Bookings made after the closing date will incur a late fee of $20 per child. Excursion days are strictly limited to 20 children ONLY and fill very fast, so we strongly encourage that you book and have your child on the excursion list as early as possible so your child does not miss out. If the excursion list is full then we have your child in the waiting list subjected that there are cancellations.
Invoices are available online on Xplor (, so parents will receive their first invoice after the vacation care program has commenced. The amount will be debited from your nominated account 7 days from the date of your invoice. If you require a hard copy of your invoice please don’t hesitate to let Funtastic Gems team know and we will organize for you. Your child fees will vary depending on fee relief entitlements and payment option.
No, All Funtastic Gems vacation programs are open to ONLY St Joachim’s Primary School. Simply click on enrol on our front page from our website ( or come see our team at Funtastic Gems at Lidcombe Mary Mackillop Hall and we will be more than happy to assist you with enrolling your child.
Your child will be open to a number of different activities tailored to the individual needs and interests. There will be a variety of work stations setup which children can move around to do of their choice. Children and parents will be given the opportunity to give feedback to an incursion or excursion they would like to happen and Funtastic Gems will take on board all ideas and implement a program cater to the interest of all children.
To ensure your child has the best experience at the Funtastic Gems vacation program, we would like to remind all parents of a few items children should bring on the day: