Vacation care hours of operation 8:00am till 6:00pm
➢ Please pack morning tea, lunch and drinks and a refillable water bottle.
➢ Children will need to wear close shoes, bring a hat, a suitable raincoat and extra clothing to change in the case of any incidents.
➢ It will be mandatory for parents to sign in/out upon dropping or picking up your child. Parent must install Xplor Home app on your mobile. A fee of $10 will be charged for failed to sign out.
➢ Any late bookings for the holiday program after the closing date Monday 4th April 2025 will incur a $10 LATE FEE.
The Rebate helps families cover the out-of-pocket costs of child care and it is not income tested. Even if your family income is too high for you to receive the Child Care Benefit, you may be eligible for the Child Care Rebate. It covers up to 50 per cent of out-of-pocket costs, up to $7,500 per child, per year.
You may choose to receive the Child Care Rebate paid fortnightly, either directly to your bank account, or through your child care service provider as a fee reduction. You still have the option of having your Child Care Rebate paid quarterly or annually as a lump sum directly to your bank account.
If you currently receive Child Care Rebate and would like to receive fortnightly payments for the next financial year, you will need to make this change with the Department of Human Services.
Out-of-pocket child care costs are calculated after deducting any Child Care Benefit payments that are received.
If you meet the above criteria but haven’t looked into applying for the Child Care Rebate, then please do so immediately in order to receive half the fees deducted.
When you apply for the 50% Child Care Rebate with the Department of Human Services, you can select your preferred payment option.
You have the option to alter your payment method online between the month of April and June for the following financial year. Visit the Department of Human Services website or contact them directly on 13 61 50.
The Child Care Subsidy is income tested and is usually paid directly to an approved Child Care Services to reduce the fees that eligible families pay. You can apply for the Child Care Subsidy online or in person through Centrelink. To apply online, visit the Department of Human Services website.
To be eligible for Child Care Subsidy you (as a parent or guardian) must meet these requirements:
The amount of Child Care Subsidy you can receive depends on:
You can estimate your Child Care Subsidy entitlements by using the Child Care Estimator on the Department of Human Services website.
You will get Child Care Subsidy for 42 absence days per child each financial year. These can be for any reason and will not require proof. However, to receive Child Care Subsidy for additional days (above the 42 days) you may be required to provide documentation or medical certificate to support the absence. To access your child’s absence record on your online statement along with your child care attendance, Child Care Subsidy amounts paid statement please visit the Department of Human Services website for further details.
If you have now identified that you are eligible for Child Care Subsidy but have not received it, you can claim by lodging a Claim for Approved Child Care Subsidy payments as an annual lump sum payment form with the Department of Human Services for the appropriate financial year. Families now have one year instead of two years to lodge lump sum claims for Child Care Benefit.
You must be assessed as eligible (even at the zero rate due to your family’s income) to get the Child Care Subsidy.